Thursday, October 6, 2011

Energy Work 101

At Zanya Spa Salon we have an absolutely amazing team of professional Certified Massage Therapists.  This level of talent is not easy to come by.  We have screened and interviewed literally dozens and dozens of applicants to find individuals with a high level of skill, experience and education as well as the ability to read and perceive the client's own energy and work with it and them to make adjustments and promote wellness.

Energy Work is a general term for modalities that are based on the idea that the human body consists of energy fields that can be stimulated through various techniques in order to promote wellness.  The concept of energy fields as a vital life force can be traced back to the oldest medical systems and is known as Qi (Pronounced "chee") in China, ki in Japan, and prana in India.
Some energy modalities such shiatsu, have their roots in ancient medicine, while others are a more contemporary interpretation of one or more ancient practices.  But the underlying basis of all of these modalities is the idea of energy flow in the body.   Practitioners of these modalities believe that keeping the body's energy in a balanced state is the key to maintaining health.  

In each of these modalities, the practitioner seeks to help the client re-balance energy in the body, by stimulating, unblocking, or dispersing it.  The result is a greater sense of energy and well-being.

In the coming weeks, we will be posting information about some of the Energy Services we offer here at Zanya Spa Salon in preparation for our Energy Balancing Workshop on November 2, 2011.  We will be offering all energy services like Shiatsu, Reiki, Chkara Balancing Massage and Cranio Sacral Therapy at a discount to allow you to be more comfortable with trying something new, and experience the difference that improved energy flow can make in your life.

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